1)  Speak to other employees who cycle to work.  Together ask someone empowered to speak for your organisation to write to Transport for London to show your support for these plans. (A  Managing Director, Partner, CEO,  Director will usually be able to do this.)

2) Use one of the templates below as a starting point for your letter to TfL. When you are done, send it to Will.Norman@tfl.gov.uk . Make sure that you mark your email or letter clearly ‘For Consideration’ so they know to include it in the consultation as an official response.

3) Please CC chriskenyon@gmail.com – That way, we’ll know that you are standing up and being heard!

1. Standard Template

To: Will.Norman@TFL.gov.uk
CC: chriskenyon@gmail.com
Subject: Business support for protected cycle lanes in London

Body: Dear Transport for London,

[INSERT business name] is a leading  [INSERT type of business] based in  [INSERT area of London].  We provide [INSERT service] and have been based in London for over [INSERT age] years.

Like many businesses in London, a growing number of our [INSERT headcount] employees cycle to work. An even larger proportion of our team would cycle to the office if they felt comfortable and safe on the roads.

We value their safety and we want to promote active lifestyles for all our employees. We support their freedom to choose how they get to work. We also note strong evidence that more cycling increases spending in local retail businesses and lowers air pollution levels.

Protected cycle lanes in the city help us attract and retain the employees our business needs to continue to thrive. They will also make London a more attractive city in which to build and run our business.

Kind regards,
